13/03/2020 – Viernes de la 2ª semana de Cuaresma. – LECTURAS Y SANTOS DEL DÍA – READING OF THE DAY


13/03/2020 – Viernes de la 2ª semana de Cuaresma.

Ahí viene el soñador, vamos a matarlo.
Lectura del libro del Génesis 37. 3-4.12-13a. 17b-28

Israel amaba a José más que a todos los otros hijos, porque le había nacido en la vejez, y le hizo una túnica con mangas. Al ver sus hermanos que su padre lo prefería a los demás, empezaron a odiarlo y le negaban el saludo.

Sus hermanos trashumaron a Siquén con los rebaños de su padre. Israel dijo a José:

«Tus hermanos deben estar con los rebaños en Siquén; ven, que te voy a mandar donde están ellos».

José fue tras sus hermanos y los encontró en Dotán. Ellos lo vieron desde lejos y antes de que se acercara, maquinaron su muerte. Se decían unos a otros:

«Ahí viene el soñador. Vamos a matarlo y a echarlo en un aljibe; luego diremos que una fiera lo ha devorado; veremos en que paran sus sueños».

Oyó esto Rubén, e intentando salvarlo de sus manos, dijo:

«No le quitemos la vida»

Y añadió:

«No derraméis sangre; echadlo en este aljibe, aquí en la estepa; pero no pongáis las manos en él»

Lo decía para librarlo de sus manos y devolverlo a su padre. Cuando llegó José al lugar donde estaban sus hermanos, lo sujetaron, le quitaron la túnica con mangas que llevaba puesta, lo cogieron y lo echaron en un pozo. El pozo estaba vacío, sin agua.

Luego se sentaron a comer y al levantar la vista, vieron una caravana de ismaelitas que transportaban en camellos goma, bálsamo y resina de Galaad a Egipto. Judá. propuso a sus hermanos:

«¿Qué sacaremos con matar a nuestro hermano y con tapar su sangre? Vamos a venderlo a los ismaelitas y no pongamos nuestras manos en él, que al fin es hermano nuestro y carne nuestra»

Los hermanos aceptaron.

Al pasar unos comerciantes madianitas, tiraron de su hermano, lo sacaron del pozo, lo vendieron a los ismaelitas por veinte monedas de plata. Estos se llevaron a José a Egipto.

Palabra de Dios.

Sal 104, 16-17. 18-19. 20-21
R. Recordad las maravillas que hizo el Señor.

Llamó al hambre sobre aquella tierra:
cortando el sustento de pan;
por delante había enviado a un hombre,
a José, vendido corno esclavo. R.

Le trabaron los pies con grillos,
le metieron el cuello en la argolla,
hasta que se cumplió su predicción,
y la palabra del Señor lo acreditó. R.

El rey lo mandó desatar,
el señor de pueblos le abrió la prisión,
lo nombró administrador de su casa,
señor de todas sus posesiones. R.

Versículo Cf. Jn 3, 16

Tanto amó Dios al mundo,
que entregó a su Unigénito;
todo el que cree en él tiene vida eterna. R.

Este es el heredero: venid, lo matamos.
Lectura del santo Evangelio según san Mateo 21, 33-43. 45-46

En aquel tiempo, dijo Jesús a los sumos sacerdotes y a los ancianos del pueblo:

«Escuchad otra parábola:

“Había un propietario que plantó una viña, la rodeó con una cerca, cavó en ella un lagar, construyó una torre, la arrendó a unos labradores y se marchó de viaje.

Llegado el tiempo de los frutos, envió sus criados a los labradores para percibir los frutos que le correspondían. Pero los labradores, agarrando a los criados, apalearon a uno, mataron a otro, y a otro lo apedrearon.

Envió de nuevo otros criados, más que la primera vez, e hicieron con ellos lo mismo. Por último les mandó a su hijo, diciéndose: ‘Tendrán respeto a mi hijo’.

Pero los labradores, al ver al hijo, se dijeron: ‘Este es el heredero: venid, lo matamos y nos quedamos con su herencia’.

Y, agarrándolo, lo empujaron fuera de la viña y lo mataron.

Cuando vuelva el dueño de la viña, ¿qué hará con aquellos labradores?».

Le contestaron:

«Hará morir de mala muerte a esos malvados y arrendará la viña a otros labradores, que le entreguen los frutos a sus tiempos».

Y Jesús les dice:

«¿No habéis leído nunca en la Escritura:

“La piedra que desecharon los arquitectos es ahora la piedra angular.

Es el Señor quien lo ha hecho, ha sido un milagro patente”?

Por eso os digo que se os quitará a vosotros el reino de Dios y se dará a un pueblo que produzca sus frutos».

Los sumos sacerdotes y los fariseos, al oír sus parábolas, comprendieron que hablaba de ellos.

Y, aunque intentaban echarle mano, temieron a la gente, que lo tenía por profeta.

Palabra del Señor.


Date 13/03/2020





A reading from the Book of Genesis
GN 37:3-4, 12-13A, 17B-28A

Israel loved Joseph best of all his sons,
for he was the child of his old age;
and he had made him a long tunic.
When his brothers saw that their father loved him best of all his sons,
they hated him so much that they would not even greet him.
One day, when his brothers had gone
to pasture their father’s flocks at Shechem,
Israel said to Joseph,
“Your brothers, you know, are tending our flocks at Shechem.
Get ready; I will send you to them.”
So Joseph went after his brothers and caught up with them in Dothan.
They noticed him from a distance,
and before he came up to them, they plotted to kill him.
They said to one another: “Here comes that master dreamer!
Come on, let us kill him and throw him into one of the cisterns here;
we could say that a wild beast devoured him.
We shall then see what comes of his dreams.”
When Reuben heard this,
he tried to save him from their hands, saying,
“We must not take his life.
Instead of shedding blood,” he continued,
“just throw him into that cistern there in the desert;
but do not kill him outright.”
His purpose was to rescue him from their hands
and return him to his father.
So when Joseph came up to them,
they stripped him of the long tunic he had on;
then they took him and threw him into the cistern,
which was empty and dry.
They then sat down to their meal.
Looking up, they saw a caravan of Ishmaelites coming from Gilead,
their camels laden with gum, balm and resin
to be taken down to Egypt.
Judah said to his brothers:
“What is to be gained by killing our brother and concealing his blood?
Rather, let us sell him to these Ishmaelites,
instead of doing away with him ourselves.
After all, he is our brother, our own flesh.”
His brothers agreed.
They sold Joseph to the Ishmaelites for twenty pieces of silver.


From the Gospel according to Matthew
MT 21:33-43, 45-46

Jesus said to the chief priests and the elders of the people:
“Hear another parable.
There was a landowner who planted a vineyard,
put a hedge around it,
dug a wine press in it, and built a tower.
Then he leased it to tenants and went on a journey.
When vintage time drew near,
he sent his servants to the tenants to obtain his produce.
But the tenants seized the servants and one they beat,
another they killed, and a third they stoned.
Again he sent other servants, more numerous than the first ones,
but they treated them in the same way.
Finally, he sent his son to them,
thinking, ‘They will respect my son.’
But when the tenants saw the son, they said to one another,
‘This is the heir.
Come, let us kill him and acquire his inheritance.’
They seized him, threw him out of the vineyard, and killed him.
What will the owner of the vineyard do to those tenants when he comes?”
They answered him,
AHe will put those wretched men to a wretched death
and lease his vineyard to other tenants
who will give him the produce at the proper times.”
Jesus said to them, ADid you never read in the Scriptures:
The stone that the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone;
by the Lord has this been done,
and it is wonderful in our eyes?
Therefore, I say to you,
the Kingdom of God will be taken away from you
and given to a people that will produce its fruit.”
When the chief priests and the Pharisees heard his parables,
they knew that he was speaking about them.
And although they were attempting to arrest him,
they feared the crowds, for they regarded him as a prophet.


Date 13/03/2020





A reading from the Book of Genesis
GN 37:3-4, 12-13A, 17B-28A

Israel loved Joseph best of all his sons,
for he was the child of his old age;
and he had made him a long tunic.
When his brothers saw that their father loved him best of all his sons,
they hated him so much that they would not even greet him.
One day, when his brothers had gone
to pasture their father’s flocks at Shechem,
Israel said to Joseph,
“Your brothers, you know, are tending our flocks at Shechem.
Get ready; I will send you to them.”
So Joseph went after his brothers and caught up with them in Dothan.
They noticed him from a distance,
and before he came up to them, they plotted to kill him.
They said to one another: “Here comes that master dreamer!
Come on, let us kill him and throw him into one of the cisterns here;
we could say that a wild beast devoured him.
We shall then see what comes of his dreams.”
When Reuben heard this,
he tried to save him from their hands, saying,
“We must not take his life.
Instead of shedding blood,” he continued,
“just throw him into that cistern there in the desert;
but do not kill him outright.”
His purpose was to rescue him from their hands
and return him to his father.
So when Joseph came up to them,
they stripped him of the long tunic he had on;
then they took him and threw him into the cistern,
which was empty and dry.
They then sat down to their meal.
Looking up, they saw a caravan of Ishmaelites coming from Gilead,
their camels laden with gum, balm and resin
to be taken down to Egypt.
Judah said to his brothers:
“What is to be gained by killing our brother and concealing his blood?
Rather, let us sell him to these Ishmaelites,
instead of doing away with him ourselves.
After all, he is our brother, our own flesh.”
His brothers agreed.
They sold Joseph to the Ishmaelites for twenty pieces of silver.


From the Gospel according to Matthew
MT 21:33-43, 45-46

Jesus said to the chief priests and the elders of the people:
“Hear another parable.
There was a landowner who planted a vineyard,
put a hedge around it,
dug a wine press in it, and built a tower.
Then he leased it to tenants and went on a journey.
When vintage time drew near,
he sent his servants to the tenants to obtain his produce.
But the tenants seized the servants and one they beat,
another they killed, and a third they stoned.
Again he sent other servants, more numerous than the first ones,
but they treated them in the same way.
Finally, he sent his son to them,
thinking, ‘They will respect my son.’
But when the tenants saw the son, they said to one another,
‘This is the heir.
Come, let us kill him and acquire his inheritance.’
They seized him, threw him out of the vineyard, and killed him.
What will the owner of the vineyard do to those tenants when he comes?”
They answered him,
AHe will put those wretched men to a wretched death
and lease his vineyard to other tenants
who will give him the produce at the proper times.”
Jesus said to them, ADid you never read in the Scriptures:
The stone that the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone;
by the Lord has this been done,
and it is wonderful in our eyes?
Therefore, I say to you,
the Kingdom of God will be taken away from you
and given to a people that will produce its fruit.”
When the chief priests and the Pharisees heard his parables,
they knew that he was speaking about them.
And although they were attempting to arrest him,
they feared the crowds, for they regarded him as a prophet.


Date 13/03/2020





A reading from the Book of Genesis
GN 37:3-4, 12-13A, 17B-28A

Israel loved Joseph best of all his sons,
for he was the child of his old age;
and he had made him a long tunic.
When his brothers saw that their father loved him best of all his sons,
they hated him so much that they would not even greet him.
One day, when his brothers had gone
to pasture their father’s flocks at Shechem,
Israel said to Joseph,
“Your brothers, you know, are tending our flocks at Shechem.
Get ready; I will send you to them.”
So Joseph went after his brothers and caught up with them in Dothan.
They noticed him from a distance,
and before he came up to them, they plotted to kill him.
They said to one another: “Here comes that master dreamer!
Come on, let us kill him and throw him into one of the cisterns here;
we could say that a wild beast devoured him.
We shall then see what comes of his dreams.”
When Reuben heard this,
he tried to save him from their hands, saying,
“We must not take his life.
Instead of shedding blood,” he continued,
“just throw him into that cistern there in the desert;
but do not kill him outright.”
His purpose was to rescue him from their hands
and return him to his father.
So when Joseph came up to them,
they stripped him of the long tunic he had on;
then they took him and threw him into the cistern,
which was empty and dry.
They then sat down to their meal.
Looking up, they saw a caravan of Ishmaelites coming from Gilead,
their camels laden with gum, balm and resin
to be taken down to Egypt.
Judah said to his brothers:
“What is to be gained by killing our brother and concealing his blood?
Rather, let us sell him to these Ishmaelites,
instead of doing away with him ourselves.
After all, he is our brother, our own flesh.”
His brothers agreed.
They sold Joseph to the Ishmaelites for twenty pieces of silver.


From the Gospel according to Matthew
MT 21:33-43, 45-46

Jesus said to the chief priests and the elders of the people:
“Hear another parable.
There was a landowner who planted a vineyard,
put a hedge around it,
dug a wine press in it, and built a tower.
Then he leased it to tenants and went on a journey.
When vintage time drew near,
he sent his servants to the tenants to obtain his produce.
But the tenants seized the servants and one they beat,
another they killed, and a third they stoned.
Again he sent other servants, more numerous than the first ones,
but they treated them in the same way.
Finally, he sent his son to them,
thinking, ‘They will respect my son.’
But when the tenants saw the son, they said to one another,
‘This is the heir.
Come, let us kill him and acquire his inheritance.’
They seized him, threw him out of the vineyard, and killed him.
What will the owner of the vineyard do to those tenants when he comes?”
They answered him,
AHe will put those wretched men to a wretched death
and lease his vineyard to other tenants
who will give him the produce at the proper times.”
Jesus said to them, ADid you never read in the Scriptures:
The stone that the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone;
by the Lord has this been done,
and it is wonderful in our eyes?
Therefore, I say to you,
the Kingdom of God will be taken away from you
and given to a people that will produce its fruit.”
When the chief priests and the Pharisees heard his parables,
they knew that he was speaking about them.
And although they were attempting to arrest him,
they feared the crowds, for they regarded him as a prophet.


Date 13/03/2020





A reading from the Book of Genesis
GN 37:3-4, 12-13A, 17B-28A

Israel loved Joseph best of all his sons,
for he was the child of his old age;
and he had made him a long tunic.
When his brothers saw that their father loved him best of all his sons,
they hated him so much that they would not even greet him.
One day, when his brothers had gone
to pasture their father’s flocks at Shechem,
Israel said to Joseph,
“Your brothers, you know, are tending our flocks at Shechem.
Get ready; I will send you to them.”
So Joseph went after his brothers and caught up with them in Dothan.
They noticed him from a distance,
and before he came up to them, they plotted to kill him.
They said to one another: “Here comes that master dreamer!
Come on, let us kill him and throw him into one of the cisterns here;
we could say that a wild beast devoured him.
We shall then see what comes of his dreams.”
When Reuben heard this,
he tried to save him from their hands, saying,
“We must not take his life.
Instead of shedding blood,” he continued,
“just throw him into that cistern there in the desert;
but do not kill him outright.”
His purpose was to rescue him from their hands
and return him to his father.
So when Joseph came up to them,
they stripped him of the long tunic he had on;
then they took him and threw him into the cistern,
which was empty and dry.
They then sat down to their meal.
Looking up, they saw a caravan of Ishmaelites coming from Gilead,
their camels laden with gum, balm and resin
to be taken down to Egypt.
Judah said to his brothers:
“What is to be gained by killing our brother and concealing his blood?
Rather, let us sell him to these Ishmaelites,
instead of doing away with him ourselves.
After all, he is our brother, our own flesh.”
His brothers agreed.
They sold Joseph to the Ishmaelites for twenty pieces of silver.


From the Gospel according to Matthew
MT 21:33-43, 45-46

Jesus said to the chief priests and the elders of the people:
“Hear another parable.
There was a landowner who planted a vineyard,
put a hedge around it,
dug a wine press in it, and built a tower.
Then he leased it to tenants and went on a journey.
When vintage time drew near,
he sent his servants to the tenants to obtain his produce.
But the tenants seized the servants and one they beat,
another they killed, and a third they stoned.
Again he sent other servants, more numerous than the first ones,
but they treated them in the same way.
Finally, he sent his son to them,
thinking, ‘They will respect my son.’
But when the tenants saw the son, they said to one another,
‘This is the heir.
Come, let us kill him and acquire his inheritance.’
They seized him, threw him out of the vineyard, and killed him.
What will the owner of the vineyard do to those tenants when he comes?”
They answered him,
AHe will put those wretched men to a wretched death
and lease his vineyard to other tenants
who will give him the produce at the proper times.”
Jesus said to them, ADid you never read in the Scriptures:
The stone that the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone;
by the Lord has this been done,
and it is wonderful in our eyes?
Therefore, I say to you,
the Kingdom of God will be taken away from you
and given to a people that will produce its fruit.”
When the chief priests and the Pharisees heard his parables,
they knew that he was speaking about them.
And although they were attempting to arrest him,
they feared the crowds, for they regarded him as a prophet.




Lecture du livre de la Genèse
(Gn 37, 3-4.12-13a.17b-28)

Israël, c’est-à-dire Jacob,
aimait Joseph plus que tous ses autres enfants,
parce qu’il était le fils de sa vieillesse,
et il lui fit faire une tunique de grand prix.
En voyant qu’il leur préférait Joseph,
ses autres fils se mirent à détester celui-ci,
et ils ne pouvaient plus lui parler sans hostilité.

Les frères de Joseph étaient allés à Sichem
faire paître le troupeau de leur père.
Israël dit à Joseph :
« Tes frères ne gardent-ils pas le troupeau à Sichem ?
Va donc les trouver de ma part ! »
Joseph les trouva à Dotane.
Ceux-ci l’aperçurent de loin et, avant qu’il arrive près d’eux,
ils complotèrent de le faire mourir.
Ils se dirent l’un à l’autre :
« Voici l’expert en songes qui arrive !
C’est le moment, allons-y, tuons-le,
et jetons-le dans une de ces citernes.
Nous dirons qu’une bête féroce l’a dévoré,
et on verra ce que voulaient dire ses songes ! »
Mais Roubène les entendit, et voulut le sauver de leurs mains.
Il leur dit :
« Ne touchons pas à sa vie. »
Et il ajouta :
« Ne répandez pas son sang :
jetez-le dans cette citerne du désert,
mais ne portez pas la main sur lui. »
Il voulait le sauver de leurs mains
et le ramener à son père.

Dès que Joseph eut rejoint ses frères,
ils le dépouillèrent de sa tunique,
la tunique de grand prix qu’il portait,
ils se saisirent de lui et le jetèrent dans la citerne,
qui était vide et sans eau.
Ils s’assirent ensuite pour manger.
En levant les yeux, ils virent une caravane d’Ismaélites
qui venait de Galaad.
Leurs chameaux étaient chargés d’aromates,
de baume et de myrrhe
qu’ils allaient livrer en Égypte.
Alors Juda dit à ses frères :
« Quel profit aurions-nous à tuer notre frère
et à dissimuler sa mort ?
Vendons-le plutôt aux Ismaélites
et ne portons pas la main sur lui,
car il est notre frère,
notre propre chair. »
Ses frères l’écoutèrent.
Des marchands madianites qui passaient par là
retirèrent Joseph de la citerne,
ils le vendirent pour vingt pièces d’argent aux Ismaélites,
et ceux-ci l’emmenèrent en Égypte.


Évangile de Jésus Christ selon saint Matthieu
(Mt 21, 33-43.45-46)

En ce temps-là,
Jésus disait aux grands prêtres et aux anciens du peuple :
« Écoutez cette parabole :
Un homme était propriétaire d’un domaine ;
il planta une vigne,
l’entoura d’une clôture,
y creusa un pressoir et bâtit une tour de garde.
Puis il loua cette vigne à des vignerons,
et partit en voyage.
Quand arriva le temps des fruits,
il envoya ses serviteurs auprès des vignerons
pour se faire remettre le produit de sa vigne.
Mais les vignerons se saisirent des serviteurs,
frappèrent l’un,
tuèrent l’autre,
lapidèrent le troisième.
De nouveau, le propriétaire envoya d’autres serviteurs
plus nombreux que les premiers ;
mais on les traita de la même façon.
Finalement, il leur envoya son fils,
en se disant :
“Ils respecteront mon fils.”
Mais, voyant le fils, les vignerons se dirent entre eux :
“Voici l’héritier : venez ! tuons-le,
nous aurons son héritage !”
Ils se saisirent de lui,
le jetèrent hors de la vigne
et le tuèrent.
Eh bien ! quand le maître de la vigne viendra,
que fera-t-il à ces vignerons ? »
On lui répond :
« Ces misérables, il les fera périr misérablement.
Il louera la vigne à d’autres vignerons,
qui lui en remettront le produit en temps voulu. »
Jésus leur dit :
« N’avez-vous jamais lu dans les Écritures :
La pierre qu’ont rejetée les bâtisseurs
est devenue la pierre d’angle :
c’est là l’œuvre du Seigneur,
la merveille devant nos yeux !
Aussi, je vous le dis :
Le royaume de Dieu vous sera enlevé
pour être donné à une nation
qui lui fera produire ses fruits. »

En entendant les paraboles de Jésus,
les grands prêtres et les pharisiens
avaient bien compris qu’il parlait d’eux.
Tout en cherchant à l’arrêter,
ils eurent peur des foules,
parce qu’elles le tenaient pour un prophète.




Leitura do Livro do Gênesis
37, 3-4.12-13a.17b-28

Israel amava mais a José do que a todos os outros filhos,
porque lhe tinha nascido na velhice.
E por isso mandou fazer para ele uma túnica de mangas longas.
Vendo os irmãos que o pai o amava mais do que a todos eles,
odiavam-no e já não lhe podiam falar pacificamente.
Ora, como os irmãos de José
tinham ido apascentar o rebanho do pai em Siquém,
adisse Israel a José: ‘Teus irmãos devem estar com os rebanhos
em Siquém. Vem, vou enviar-te a eles’.
Partiu, pois, José atrás de seus irmãos
e encontrou-os em Dotaim.
Eles, porém, tendo-o visto ao longe,
antes que se aproximasse, tramaram a sua morte.
Disseram entre si: ‘Aí vem o sonhador!
Vamos matá-lo e lança-lo numa cisterna,
depois diremos que um animal feroz o devorou.
Assim veremos de que lhe servem os sonhos’.
Rúben, porém, ouvindo isto, disse-lhes:
‘Não lhe tiremos a vida’! E acrescentou:
‘Não derrameis sangue, mas lançai-o naquela cisterna do deserto,
e não o toqueis com as vossas mãos’.
Dizia isto, porque queria livrá-lo das mãos deles
e devolvê-lo ao pai.
Assim que José chegou perto dos irmãos,
estes despojaram-no da túnica de mangas longas, pegaram nele
e lançaram-no numa cisterna que não tinha água.
Depois, sentaram-se para comer.
Levantando os olhos, avistaram uma caravana de ismaelitas,
que se aproximava, proveniente de Galaad.
Os camelos iam carregados de especiarias, bálsamo e resina,
que transportavam para o Egito.
E Judá disse aos irmãos: ‘Que proveito teríamos
em matar nosso irmão e ocultar o seu sangue?
É melhor vendê-lo a esses ismaelitas
e não manchar nossas mãos,
pois ele é nosso irmão e nossa carne’.
Concordaram os irmãos com o que dizia.
Ao passarem os comerciantes madianitas,
tiraram José da cisterna,
e por vinte moedas de prata o venderam aos ismaelitas:
e estes o levaram para o Egito.


Proclamação do Evangelho de Jesus Cristo segundo São Mateus

Naquele tempo, dirigindo-se Jesus aos chefes dos sacerdotes
e aos anciãos do povo, disse-lhes:
Escutai esta outra parábola:
Certo proprietário plantou uma vinha,
pôs uma cerca em volta,
fez nela um lagar para esmagar as uvas
e construiu uma torre de guarda.
Depois arrendou-a a vinhateiros,
e viajou para o estrangeiro.
Quando chegou o tempo da colheita,
o proprietário mandou seus empregados aos vinhateiros
para receber seus frutos.
Os vinhateiros, porém, agarraram os empregados,
espancaram a um, mataram a outro,
e ao terceiro apedrejaram.
O proprietário mandou de novo outros empregados,
em maior número do que os primeiros.
Mas eles os trataram da mesma forma.
Finalmente, o proprietário, enviou-lhes o seu filho,
pensando: ‘Ao meu filho eles vão respeitar’.
Os vinhateiros, porém, ao verem o filho, disseram entre si:
‘Este é o herdeiro. Vinde, vamos matá-lo
e tomar posse da sua herança!’
Então agarraram o filho,
jogaram-no para fora da vinha e o mataram.
Pois bem, quando o dono da vinha voltar,
o que fará com esses vinhateiros?’
Os sumos sacerdotes e os anciãos do povo responderam:
‘Com certeza mandará matar de modo violento esses perversos
e arrendará a vinha a outros vinhateiros,
que lhe entregarão os frutos no tempo certo.’
Então Jesus lhes disse:
‘Vós nunca lestes nas Escrituras:
‘a pedra que os construtores rejeitaram
tornou-se a pedra angular;
isto foi feito pelo Senhor
e é maravilhoso aos nossos olhos’?
Por isso eu vos digo:
o Reino de Deus vos será tirado
e será entregue a um povo que produzirá frutos.
Os sumos sacerdotes e fariseus
ouviram as parábolas de Jesus,
e compreenderam que estava falando deles.
Procuraram prendê-lo, mas ficaram com medo das multidões,
pois elas consideravam Jesus um profeta.




Leitura do Livro do Gênesis
37, 3-4.12-13a.17b-28

Israel amava mais a José do que a todos os outros filhos,
porque lhe tinha nascido na velhice.
E por isso mandou fazer para ele uma túnica de mangas longas.
Vendo os irmãos que o pai o amava mais do que a todos eles,
odiavam-no e já não lhe podiam falar pacificamente.
Ora, como os irmãos de José
tinham ido apascentar o rebanho do pai em Siquém,
adisse Israel a José: ‘Teus irmãos devem estar com os rebanhos
em Siquém. Vem, vou enviar-te a eles’.
Partiu, pois, José atrás de seus irmãos
e encontrou-os em Dotaim.
Eles, porém, tendo-o visto ao longe,
antes que se aproximasse, tramaram a sua morte.
Disseram entre si: ‘Aí vem o sonhador!
Vamos matá-lo e lança-lo numa cisterna,
depois diremos que um animal feroz o devorou.
Assim veremos de que lhe servem os sonhos’.
Rúben, porém, ouvindo isto, disse-lhes:
‘Não lhe tiremos a vida’! E acrescentou:
‘Não derrameis sangue, mas lançai-o naquela cisterna do deserto,
e não o toqueis com as vossas mãos’.
Dizia isto, porque queria livrá-lo das mãos deles
e devolvê-lo ao pai.
Assim que José chegou perto dos irmãos,
estes despojaram-no da túnica de mangas longas, pegaram nele
e lançaram-no numa cisterna que não tinha água.
Depois, sentaram-se para comer.
Levantando os olhos, avistaram uma caravana de ismaelitas,
que se aproximava, proveniente de Galaad.
Os camelos iam carregados de especiarias, bálsamo e resina,
que transportavam para o Egito.
E Judá disse aos irmãos: ‘Que proveito teríamos
em matar nosso irmão e ocultar o seu sangue?
É melhor vendê-lo a esses ismaelitas
e não manchar nossas mãos,
pois ele é nosso irmão e nossa carne’.
Concordaram os irmãos com o que dizia.
Ao passarem os comerciantes madianitas,
tiraram José da cisterna,
e por vinte moedas de prata o venderam aos ismaelitas:
e estes o levaram para o Egito.


Proclamação do Evangelho de Jesus Cristo segundo São Mateus

Naquele tempo, dirigindo-se Jesus aos chefes dos sacerdotes
e aos anciãos do povo, disse-lhes:
Escutai esta outra parábola:
Certo proprietário plantou uma vinha,
pôs uma cerca em volta,
fez nela um lagar para esmagar as uvas
e construiu uma torre de guarda.
Depois arrendou-a a vinhateiros,
e viajou para o estrangeiro.
Quando chegou o tempo da colheita,
o proprietário mandou seus empregados aos vinhateiros
para receber seus frutos.
Os vinhateiros, porém, agarraram os empregados,
espancaram a um, mataram a outro,
e ao terceiro apedrejaram.
O proprietário mandou de novo outros empregados,
em maior número do que os primeiros.
Mas eles os trataram da mesma forma.
Finalmente, o proprietário, enviou-lhes o seu filho,
pensando: ‘Ao meu filho eles vão respeitar’.
Os vinhateiros, porém, ao verem o filho, disseram entre si:
‘Este é o herdeiro. Vinde, vamos matá-lo
e tomar posse da sua herança!’
Então agarraram o filho,
jogaram-no para fora da vinha e o mataram.
Pois bem, quando o dono da vinha voltar,
o que fará com esses vinhateiros?’
Os sumos sacerdotes e os anciãos do povo responderam:
‘Com certeza mandará matar de modo violento esses perversos
e arrendará a vinha a outros vinhateiros,
que lhe entregarão os frutos no tempo certo.’
Então Jesus lhes disse:
‘Vós nunca lestes nas Escrituras:
‘a pedra que os construtores rejeitaram
tornou-se a pedra angular;
isto foi feito pelo Senhor
e é maravilhoso aos nossos olhos’?
Por isso eu vos digo:
o Reino de Deus vos será tirado
e será entregue a um povo que produzirá frutos.
Os sumos sacerdotes e fariseus
ouviram as parábolas de Jesus,
e compreenderam que estava falando deles.
Procuraram prendê-lo, mas ficaram com medo das multidões,
pois elas consideravam Jesus um profeta.




Lesung aus dem Buch Genesis
Gen 37, 3-4.12-13a.17b-28

Israel liebte Josef unter allen seinen Söhnen am meisten, weil er ihm noch in hohem Alter geboren worden war. Er ließ ihm einen Ärmelrock machen.
Als seine Brüder sahen, dass ihr Vater ihn mehr liebte als alle seine Brüder, hassten sie ihn und konnten mit ihm kein gutes Wort mehr reden.
Als seine Brüder fortgezogen waren, um das Vieh ihres Vaters bei Sichem zu weiden,
sagte Israel zu Josef: Deine Brüder weiden bei Sichem das Vieh. Geh, ich will dich zu ihnen schicken.
Da ging Josef seinen Brüdern nach und fand sie in Dotan.
Sie sahen ihn von weitem. Bevor er jedoch nahe an sie herangekommen war, fassten sie den Plan, ihn umzubringen.
Sie sagten zueinander: Dort kommt ja dieser Träumer.
Jetzt aber auf, erschlagen wir ihn, und werfen wir ihn in eine der Zisternen. Sagen wir, ein wildes Tier habe ihn gefressen. Dann werden wir ja sehen, was aus seinen Träumen wird.
Ruben hörte das und wollte ihn aus ihrer Hand retten. Er sagte: Begehen wir doch keinen Mord.
Und Ruben sagte zu ihnen: Vergießt kein Blut! Werft ihn in die Zisterne da in der Steppe, aber legt nicht Hand an ihn! Er wollte ihn nämlich aus ihrer Hand retten und zu seinem Vater zurückbringen.
Als Josef bei seinen Brüdern angekommen war, zogen sie ihm sein Gewand aus, den Ärmelrock, den er anhatte,
packten ihn und warfen ihn in die Zisterne. Die Zisterne war leer; es war kein Wasser darin.
Als sie dann beim Essen saßen und aufblickten, sahen sie, dass gerade eine Karawane von Ismaelitern aus Gilead kam. Ihre Kamele waren mit Tragakant, Mastix und Ladanum beladen. Sie waren unterwegs nach Ägypten.
Da schlug Juda seinen Brüdern vor: Was haben wir davon, wenn wir unseren Bruder erschlagen und sein Blut zudecken?
Kommt, verkaufen wir ihn den Ismaelitern. Wir wollen aber nicht Hand an ihn legen, denn er ist doch unser Bruder und unser Verwandter. Seine Brüder waren einverstanden.
Midianitische Kaufleute kamen vorbei. Da zogen sie Josef aus der Zisterne heraus und verkauften ihn für zwanzig Silberstücke an die Ismaeliter. Diese brachten Josef nach Ägypten.


Aus dem heiligen Evangelium nach Matthäus
Mt 21, 33-43.45-46

In jener Zeit sprach Jesus zu den Hohenpriestern und den Ältesten des Volkes:
Hört noch ein anderes Gleichnis: Es war ein Gutsbesitzer, der legte einen Weinberg an, zog ringsherum einen Zaun, hob eine Kelter aus und baute einen Turm. Dann verpachtete er den Weinberg an Winzer und reiste in ein anderes Land.
Als nun die Erntezeit kam, schickte er seine Knechte zu den Winzern, um seinen Anteil an den Früchten holen zu lassen.
Die Winzer aber packten seine Knechte; den einen prügelten sie, den andern brachten sie um, einen dritten steinigten sie.
Darauf schickte er andere Knechte, mehr als das erste Mal; mit ihnen machten sie es genauso.
Zuletzt sandte er seinen Sohn zu ihnen; denn er dachte: Vor meinem Sohn werden sie Achtung haben.
Als die Winzer den Sohn sahen, sagten sie zueinander: Das ist der Erbe. Auf, wir wollen ihn töten, damit wir seinen Besitz erben.
Und sie packten ihn, warfen ihn aus dem Weinberg hinaus und brachten ihn um.
Wenn nun der Besitzer des Weinbergs kommt: Was wird er mit solchen Winzern tun?
Sie sagten zu ihm: Er wird diesen bösen Menschen ein böses Ende bereiten und den Weinberg an andere Winzer verpachten, die ihm die Früchte abliefern, wenn es Zeit dafür ist.
Und Jesus sagte zu ihnen: Habt ihr nie in der Schrift gelesen: Der Stein, den die Bauleute verworfen haben, er ist zum Eckstein geworden; das hat der Herr vollbracht, vor unseren Augen geschah dieses Wunder?
Darum sage ich euch: Das Reich Gottes wird euch weggenommen und einem Volk gegeben werden, das die erwarteten Früchte bringt.
Als die Hohenpriester und die Pharisäer seine Gleichnisse hörten, merkten sie, dass er von ihnen sprach.
Sie hätten ihn gern verhaften lassen; aber sie fürchteten sich vor den Leuten, weil alle ihn für einen Propheten hielten.


Data 13/03/2020


Dal libro della Gènesi
Gen 37,3-4.12-13.17-28


Israele amava Giuseppe più di tutti i suoi figli, perché era il figlio avuto in vecchiaia, e gli aveva fatto una tunica con maniche lunghe. I suoi fratelli, vedendo che il loro padre amava lui più di tutti i suoi figli, lo odiavano e non riuscivano a parlargli amichevolmente.
I suoi fratelli erano andati a pascolare il gregge del loro padre a Sichem. Israele disse a Giuseppe: «Sai che i tuoi fratelli sono al pascolo a Sichem? Vieni, ti voglio mandare da loro». Allora Giuseppe ripartì in cerca dei suoi fratelli e li trovò a Dotan.
Essi lo videro da lontano e, prima che giungesse vicino a loro, complottarono contro di lui per farlo morire. Si dissero l’un l’altro: «Eccolo! È arrivato il signore dei sogni! Orsù, uccidiamolo e gettiamolo in una cisterna! Poi diremo: “Una bestia feroce l’ha divorato!”. Così vedremo che ne sarà dei suoi sogni!».
Ma Ruben sentì e, volendo salvarlo dalle loro mani, disse: «Non togliamogli la vita». Poi disse loro: «Non spargete il sangue, gettatelo in questa cisterna che è nel deserto, ma non colpitelo con la vostra mano»: egli intendeva salvarlo dalle loro mani e ricondurlo a suo padre.
Quando Giuseppe fu arrivato presso i suoi fratelli, essi lo spogliarono della sua tunica, quella tunica con le maniche lunghe che egli indossava, lo afferrarono e lo gettarono nella cisterna: era una cisterna vuota, senz’acqua.
Poi sedettero per prendere cibo. Quand’ecco, alzando gli occhi, videro arrivare una carovana di Ismaeliti provenienti da Gàlaad, con i cammelli carichi di rèsina, balsamo e làudano, che andavano a portare in Egitto. Allora Giuda disse ai fratelli: «Che guadagno c’è a uccidere il nostro fratello e a coprire il suo sangue? Su, vendiamolo agli Ismaeliti e la nostra mano non sia contro di lui, perché è nostro fratello e nostra carne». I suoi fratelli gli diedero ascolto.
Passarono alcuni mercanti madianiti; essi tirarono su ed estrassero Giuseppe dalla cisterna e per venti sicli d’argento vendettero Giuseppe agli Ismaeliti. Così Giuseppe fu condotto in Egitto.


Dal Vangelo secondo Matteo
Mt 21,33-43.45


In quel tempo, Gesù disse ai capi dei sacerdoti e agli anziani del popolo:
«Ascoltate un’altra parabola: c’era un uomo che possedeva un terreno e vi piantò una vigna. La circondò con una siepe, vi scavò una buca per il torchio e costruì una torre. La diede in affitto a dei contadini e se ne andò lontano.
Quando arrivò il tempo di raccogliere i frutti, mandò i suoi servi dai contadini a ritirare il raccolto. Ma i contadini presero i servi e uno lo bastonarono, un altro lo uccisero, un altro lo lapidarono. Mandò di nuovo altri servi, più numerosi dei primi, ma li trattarono allo stesso modo.
Da ultimo mandò loro il proprio figlio dicendo: “Avranno rispetto per mio figlio!”. Ma i contadini, visto il figlio, dissero tra loro: “Costui è l’erede. Su, uccidiamolo e avremo noi la sua eredità!”. Lo presero, lo cacciarono fuori dalla vigna e lo uccisero.
Quando verrà dunque il padrone della vigna, che cosa farà a quei contadini?».
Gli risposero: «Quei malvagi, li farà morire miseramente e darà in affitto la vigna ad altri contadini, che gli consegneranno i frutti a suo tempo».
E Gesù disse loro: «Non avete mai letto nelle Scritture:
“La pietra che i costruttori hanno scartato
è diventata la pietra d’angolo;
questo è stato fatto dal Signore
ed è una meraviglia ai nostri occhi”?
Perciò io vi dico: a voi sarà tolto il regno di Dio e sarà dato a un popolo che ne produca i frutti».
Udite queste parabole, i capi dei sacerdoti e i farisei capirono che parlava di loro. Cercavano di catturarlo, ma ebbero paura della folla, perché lo considerava un profeta.

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